3 Ways You Can Use Text Marketing For Your Business

You know the excitement you get when your phone buzzes and it's a text message only to be let down when it's someone trying to sell you something? It’s annoying, but the point is: you read it! Text marketing is the newest way to get in front of your customers--yes, even more so than social media. In the past, it was financially out of reach for most small businesses. 


What is text marketing? It’s just that--a way of marketing through the use of text messages. The average person looks at their phone 85 times per day...85!!! Imagine getting your product or service right into someone’s phone, instantly grabbing their attention. It’s a lot less crowded in someone’s text messages as opposed to on social media. Typically, you are competing with larger businesses on social media platforms with humongous budgets when using paid ads. Text marketing levels the playing field.


It has become much more affordable with some companies offering plans for as low as $10 per month. So what’s $10 per month? Is it your morning coffee for a day or two? Is it your favorite music subscription for one month? When you think about it, it’s a drop in the bucket when scaling up your business.

<< Click here to use my special affiliate link to get the $10 text marketing deal. It's $10/mo for 400 messages. No contract!>>


Text marketing plans consist of a variety of features. Before we talk about those, let’s talk about some terms that you need to know.


Short Code - A short code is a 5 or 6 digit number used to send mobile messages. A short code is usually very affordable. The recipients must opt into your short code to receive messages. The benefit is that these codes have been pre-approved by mobile carriers. The disadvantages of short codes are that if you are sharing a short code with someone abusing the system, your code could be shut down. Also, some people tend to ignore short codes as they know they are marketing messages. 


Long Code - Long codes are codes that can be used to make phone calls. They look like a regular phone number so they are longer. These codes are dedicated numbers meaning that you are the only company sending out messages from that number. These types of numbers tend to be way more expensive.


Keyword - Keywords are a big part of choosing your plan. A keyword is the word that you ask people to text to opt in. For example, text SOCIALBARBER to 63975. In this example, the word, “SOCIALBARBER” is the keyword. Keywords cannot have spaces and must be unique.


Now that we know the terms, here are 3 ways that you can use text marketing in your salon:

1. Mobile Business Cards - In a world affected by Covid 19, anything touchless is definitely the way to go. Set up a keyword that automatically delivers your contact information. The receiver can save your information to their phone. The best part? You will also have that person’s contact number. For this reason, mobile business cards are far better than physical business cards. (Try it out: Text SOCIALBARBER to 63975.)

2. Run A Contest - Depending on the company, you can run contests using text marketing. This is a great way to get people to opt in. Remember: you can’t just randomly start sending text marketing messages--each individual has to opt in and agree to receive your messages. You can choose how the winner will be chosen. For example: every 9th entry, the first 3 entries or even choosing the winner at random. When the person opts into your contest keyword, they will get a confirmation text. You set the time limit for the contest and when the winner is chosen, the winner will automatically receive the text. Once you set up the contest, it runs on auto-pilot.

3. Flash Sales - The average time it takes to open a text message is about 90 seconds, compared to 90 minutes for emails. Imagine having a time sensitive offer and getting it in front of your customers within seconds.


Text marketing is the best way to get immediate action from your audience. It’s incredibly  easy to get started and a game changer for any small business.

If you want to learn more about text marketing, I have a class where I show you how to run contests via text, set up your digital business card, send out text blasts and more! Click here to get instant access to the class.


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